Sunday 4 November 2012

Lumbar Positioning

Clinical Indications

Ankylosis spondylitis
Spina bifida

Anatomy of Lumbar

AP Lumbar

Lateral Lumbar

AP Lumbar positioning

The patient lies supine on the table midline aligned to the midline of the table, the hips and knees flexed 45 degrees to reduce the lumbar curve, the ASISs are equidistant from the table ensuring the midsaggital plane is at 90 degrees to the table.

Patient positioning

Central RayThe vertical central ray is centered in the midline at the level of L3 at the lower costal margin, if the sacrum and SI joints are required on the film using a 30 x 40 cm cassette the vertical central ray may be centered in the midline at the level of the iliac crests. Exposure is made on suspended expiration.

X-Ray Of AP lumbar

Video of Lumbar AP Radiography Positioning

Lateral Lumbar positioning

The patient lies on the table with their long axis in line with the long axis of the table, a line at a tangent to the third lumbar vertebra should be in line with the midline of the table. The hips and knees are flexed for stability and the hands are placed on a pillow in front of the patients face.
Ensure the line of the spinous processes are parallel to the table if not use pads to adjust the position.

Patient Positioning

Central Ray

The vertical central ray is centered in line with the highest point of the iliac crest at a point midway between the lower costal margin and the iliac crest of the raised side. Exposure is made on suspended expiration.

X-Ray Of Lateral lumbar

Video of Lumbar Lateral Radiography Positioning

for more info click right here and here

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